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The Colour Carton Company Acquires Division Of Central Box


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The Colour Carton Company Ltd (CCC), part of the UPAC Group (UPAC Group), is pleased to announce the acquisition of the solid board and litho/lam division of the East Kilbride manufacturer, The Central Box Company Ltd (CBC).


The deal fills a crucial product gap in the UPAC Group plan to offer a single source solution for packaging customers across the UK and provides an optimal platform to for the CCC to launch itself onto the market. The CCC specializes in box manufacturing, print, assembly and contract packaging. Being a part of the UPAC Group provides them with significant resource perks including an investment fund of £500,000 along with an experienced team equipped exclusively for product promotion and sales.


With a newly appointed Managing Director, Allan Cochrane (formerly of Boxes and Packaging Limited), Commercial Director, Mike McCole (former managing director of Kite Packaging Scotland Ltd) and Sales Director, Iain Stephen (former managing director of CBC), CCC has real strength in terms of experience and knowledge.


“These are certainly exciting times for the UPAC Group” states Chris Kelly, Managing Director at WMW, “as a merchant who is taking a degree of control over our own supply chain, we at the UPAC Group see this as a blueprint for further acquisitions down the line and are confident this will benefit both supplier and consumer alike”.

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